How to Boost your Immune System in a COVID-19 Environment

It was so much fun to host a live webinar the other day straight from my kitchen! That’s one of the positives about adjusting to these unprecedented times – the ability to connect with anyone, anywhere and the opportunity to experience some things we might otherwise not have, like this webinar. I currently live in a condo and never would I have been able to host a live session straight from my tiny kitchen without spilling at least one thing or stepping on someone’s toes!  

Now the topic of boosting your immunity is so timely and important right now because we, of course, want to do our best to avoid getting COVID-19 but if it does come down to us catching the virus then we want to be sure that our bodies are prepared and have the ability to fight and recover as quickly as possible. 

Remember, our immune systems are our first line of defence and are made to support us! They determine what is a friend and what is a foe within the body and we need to help it as best we can. 

My Immune Boosting Turmeric Orange Smoothie is bursting with key nutrients for your immunity!

In case you missed the live session, I thought I’d share some of the take-aways here since it is such an important topic now more than ever, especially when our immune health is within our control unlike much of what is happening in the world right now. So, let’s dive in:

Exercise & Movement – as a spin instructor, I really can’t say this enough! Everyday movement and exercise are so key in getting our lymphatic system circulating, producing white blood cells and removing toxins as a result. What makes the lymph system so different is that it requires this movement in order to circulate unlike our heart which pumps as an automatic bodily process. If you’re looking for a quick, no equipment total body workout then give this one a try by my friend and certified personal trainer, Nick Wourms (awesome workout, HERE).

Boost Digestion – our digestion is so key when it comes to our immune system as it is responsible for our nutrient absorption and this keeps our immunity strong as a result. Some great foods for our digestive tract include probiotic rich foods aka good bacteria for our gut which help us break down those nutrients. Some great food sources of probiotics include kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh (fermented soybeans) or kombucha to name a few.

Recognize Stress – we have all heard how bad it can be to suppress our emotions but it’s important to remember that in our go-go-go society we can often forget to take the time to step back and recognize any pent up stresses or agitations. A great way to help with this process is free flow journalling or simply spend some time on a hobby allowing you to focus on something you love. If you’d like to try free flow journalling, try grabbing a notebook or paper and just start writing! Once you go back and read what you wrote those agitations will likely become much clearer. 

Reduce Intake of CRAP – yes, CRAP! By this I mean, carbonated drinks, refined sugars, artificial flavours and processed foods. All of these wreak havoc on the body, act as stimulants and can cause unnecessary inflammation. Sugar also competes with vitamin C for uptake in the body which can weaken our immune system as a result.  

One of my favourite things to make when I want to keep my immunity strong is my Immune Boosting Turmeric Orange Smoothie! This is CRAP free and is jam packed with key nutrients for immune system health such as vitamins A, C, E, essential fatty acids and fibre. 

You can find the recipe here and please comment below if you give this one a try or tag me on instagram at #happyhealthcc!

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